Source code for simba.core

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union, Tuple

import sympy

from simba.utils import solve_matrix_eqn, construct_permutation_matrix, simplify
from simba.errors import DimensionError, CoefficientError, StateSpaceError, ResultError
import simba.config as config

"""State-spaces and transfer functions"""

[docs]def is_transfer_matrix_physically_realisable(expr: sympy.Matrix, d_matrix: sympy.Matrix = None) -> bool: r""" Check if transfer matrix :math:`\mathbf{G}(s)` given by ``expr`` and direct-feed matrix ``d_matrix`` is possible to physically realise by the conditions given in [transfer-function]_, i.e. that it obeys, .. math:: \mathbf{G}^\sim(s) J \mathbf{G}(s) = J,\ \ D J D^\dagger = J, where :math:`\mathbf{G}^\sim(s) \equiv \mathbf{G}^\dag(-s^*)`. :param expr: a sympy Matrix representing the transfer Matrix :math:`\mathbf{G}(s)` :param d_matrix: a sympy Matrix representing the direct-feed Matrix, defaulting to the identity matrix """ from sympy import conjugate, Symbol, Matrix j = j_matrix(expr.shape[0]) if not d_matrix: d_matrix = Matrix.eye(*j.shape) s = Symbol('s') cond1 = simplify(expr.subs(s, -conjugate(s)).H * j * expr - j, Matrix.zeros(*j.shape)) cond2 = simplify(d_matrix * j * d_matrix.H - j, Matrix.zeros(*j.shape)) return cond1 and cond2
[docs]def transfer_func_coeffs_to_state_space(numer: List, denom: List) -> 'StateSpace': """See `StateSpace.from_transfer_function_coeffs`.""" return StateSpace.from_transfer_function_coeffs(numer, denom)
[docs]def transfer_function_to_state_space(expr: sympy.Expr) -> 'StateSpace': """See `StateSpace.from_transfer_function`.""" return StateSpace.from_transfer_function(expr)
[docs]def tf2ss(expr: sympy.Expr) -> 'StateSpace': """See `transfer_function_to_state_space`""" return transfer_function_to_state_space(expr)
[docs]def transfer_function_to_realisable_state_space(expr: sympy.Expr) -> 'StateSpace': """Convert given transfer function to physically realisable state space if possible.""" return transfer_function_to_state_space(expr).extended_to_quantum().to_physically_realisable()
[docs]def tf2rss(expr: sympy.Expr) -> 'StateSpace': """See `transfer_function_to_realisable_state_space`""" return transfer_function_to_realisable_state_space(expr)
[docs]def tf2network(expr: sympy.Expr) -> 'SplitNetwork': """Calculate split network directly from transfer function""" rs = tf2rss(expr) slh = rs.to_slh() return slh.split()
[docs]class StateSpace: r""" Represents a dynamical quantum state-space which describes the time-domain evolution of a system. .. math:: \dot{x} &= a x + b u, \\ y &= c x + d u. where the state vectors are bounded linear operators usually in `doubled-up form`, (use `reorder_to_paired_form` to convert to `paired operator form`) .. math:: x \in \mathbb{L}^{n\times 1},\ u \in \mathbb{L}^{m\times 1},\ y \in \mathbb{L}^{l\times 1}, and, the "system matrices" are .. math:: a \in \mathbb{C}^{n\times n},\ b \in \mathbb{C}^{n\times m},\ c \in \mathbb{C}^{l\times n},\ d \in \mathbb{C}^{l\times m}. If the dimensions do not match up, raises `DimensionError`. For `SISO` quantum systems :math:`m = l = 2` (usually the operator and its conjugate operator, e.g. :math:`u = (\hat{u}, \hat{u}^\dagger)^T`). Attributes: - a: Internal dynamics - b: Input coupling - c: Internal coupling to output - d: Direct-feed (input to output) - paired_operator_form: Whether or not system is in `paired operator form`. Note that the matrices are stored using ``sympy.ImmutableMatrix``, and so are immutable. New StateSpaces should be created from modified matrices instead. """ def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, *, paired_operator_form=False): from sympy import ImmutableMatrix self.a = ImmutableMatrix(a) self.b = ImmutableMatrix(b) self.c = ImmutableMatrix(c) self.d = ImmutableMatrix(d) # check matrix dimensions if not a.is_square: raise DimensionError(f"`a` matrix is not square: {a.shape}") na = a.shape[0] (nb, mb) = b.shape (lc, nc) = c.shape (ld, md) = d.shape if not mb == md: raise DimensionError(f"Number of input channels for matrix b not equal to matrix d: {mb} != {md}") if not nb == na or not nc == na: raise DimensionError(f"Number of degrees of freedom in matrices do not match: " f"a: {na}, b: {nb}, c: {nc}") if not lc == ld: raise DimensionError(f"Number of output channels for matrix c not equal to matrix d: {lc} != {ld}") self.paired_operator_form = paired_operator_form # set if the StateSpace is in `paired operator form`
[docs] @classmethod def from_transfer_function_coeffs(cls, numer: List, denom: List) -> 'StateSpace': r""" Return the `SISO` controllable canonical form state space for the given list of numerators and denominators of a pole-zero form transfer function, given in order of ascending powers, assuming complex ladder operators :math:`(a, a^\dagger)` are used. The coefficients are defined via the transfer function between the input :math:`u(s)` and the output :math:`y(s)`, where :math:`s` is the complex Laplace frequency, [#laplace]_ .. math:: \frac{y(s)}{u(s)} = \frac{b_0 s^n + b_1 s^{n-1} + \dots + b_{n-1} s + b_n} {s^n + a_1 s^{n-1} + \dots + a_{n-1} s + a_n}. *Note that we assume the coefficients are normalized with respect to the highest order term in the denominator.* Raises `CoefficientError` if lengths of coefficient lists are wrong. Reference: TODO: implement for MIMO systems :param numer: The numerator coefficients: :math:`[b_n, \dots, b_0]` :param denom: The denominator coefficients: :math:`[a_n, \dots, a_1]` :return: StateSpace for the given system """ from sympy import Matrix if not len(denom) == len(numer) - 1: raise CoefficientError(f"Denominator coefficients list did not have length of numerator list minus one: " f"len(denom) == {len(denom)}, len(numer) == {len(numer)}") # construct b matrix n = len(denom) # num. degrees of freedom b = Matrix.zeros(n, 1) # single-input, 1 in last row b[n - 1] = 1 # construct a matrix a = Matrix.zeros(n) for i in range(0, n - 1): a[i, i + 1] = 1 for i, denom_coeff in enumerate(denom): a[n - 1, i] = -denom_coeff # construct c matrix b_0 = numer[-1] c = Matrix.zeros(1, n) for i, (a_i, b_i) in enumerate(zip(denom, numer)): c[0, i] = b_i - a_i * b_0 # construct d matrix d = Matrix([b_0]) return cls(a, b, c, d)
[docs] @classmethod def from_transfer_function(cls, expr: sympy.Expr) -> 'StateSpace': """Call `from_transfer_function_coeffs` passing the expression to `transfer_function_to_coeffs`.""" return cls.from_transfer_function_coeffs(*transfer_function_to_coeffs(expr))
[docs] def to_transfer_function(self) -> sympy.Expr: """Calculate transfer function matrix for the system using the convention given by [#laplace]_.""" from sympy import Symbol, Matrix s = Symbol('s') return self.c * (-s * Matrix.eye(self.a.shape[0]) - self.a).inv() * self.b + self.d
[docs] def extended_to_quantum(self) -> 'StateSpace': """ Extend SISO state-space to quantum MIMO state space in doubled-up ordering (see [#quantum]_). Returns extended `StateSpace`. Does not modify original. """ from sympy import ImmutableMatrix, Matrix quantum_ss = deepcopy(self) quantum_ss.quantum = True quantum_ss.a = ImmutableMatrix(Matrix.diag(self.a, self.a.C)) quantum_ss.b = ImmutableMatrix(Matrix.diag(self.b, self.b.C)) quantum_ss.c = ImmutableMatrix(Matrix.diag(self.c, self.c.C)) quantum_ss.d = ImmutableMatrix(Matrix.diag(self.d, self.d.C)) quantum_ss.paired_operator_form = False return quantum_ss
[docs] def reorder_to_paired_form(self) -> 'StateSpace': r""" Return a new StateSpace with the system matrices reordered so that the state vectors, inputs, and outputs are converted from doubled-up form, .. math:: (a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n; a_1^\dagger, a_2^\dagger, \dots, a_n^\dagger)^T, to `paired operator form`, .. math:: (a_1, a_1^\dagger; a_2, a_2^\dagger; \dots; a_n, a_n^\dagger)^T, Does nothing if self.paired_operator_form is True :return: StateSpace in paired up form. """ if self.paired_operator_form: return self n = self.num_degrees_of_freedom if n % 2 != 0: raise DimensionError("num_degrees_of_freedom should be even for a quantum system") # construct the transformation matrix that reorders the elements # e.g. (1, 2, 3, 11, 22, 33) -> (1, 11, 2, 22, 3, 33) u = construct_permutation_matrix(n) # construct the matrices for the inputs and outputs u_i = construct_permutation_matrix(self.num_inputs) u_o = construct_permutation_matrix(self.num_outputs) # apply transformation and return return StateSpace(u*self.a*u.inv(), u*self.b*u_i.inv(), u_o*self.c*u.inv(), u_o*self.d*u_i.inv(), paired_operator_form=True)
[docs] def find_transformation_to_physically_realisable(self) -> sympy.Matrix: """ Return the :math:`T` matrix that transforms the state space into a physically realisable one. Raise `StateSpaceError` if system is not possible to physically realise. Raise `ResultError` if there was some other unexpected error during finding T. """ from sympy import Matrix, MatrixSymbol n = self.num_degrees_of_freedom if n % 2 != 0: raise DimensionError("num_degrees_of_freedom should be even for a quantum system") if config.params['checks']: self.raise_error_if_not_possible_to_realise() if config.params['checks'] and self.is_physically_realisable: return Matrix.eye(self.num_degrees_of_freedom) a, b, c, d = self # solve for x in both physical realisability equations j = j_matrix(self.num_degrees_of_freedom) j_i = j_matrix(self.num_inputs) x = MatrixSymbol('X', *j.shape) sol = solve_matrix_eqn([a * x + x * a.H + b * j_i * b.H, x * c.H + b * j_i * d.H], x) if len(sol) == 0: raise ResultError("Found no solution to the physical realisability equations.") x = sol[0] if not x.is_hermitian: raise ResultError("X must be Hermitian.") # diagonalise into X = P D P^\dagger where P is unitary via spectral theorem # i-th column of P is the i-th orthogonal eigenvector of X # i-th element of diagonal D is i-th real eigenvalue of X p, d = x.diagonalize(normalize=True) if config.params['checks']: assert simplify(p.H - p**-1, Matrix.zeros(*p.shape)), "p should be unitary" assert d.is_diagonal(), "d should be diagonal" eigenvals = list(d.diagonal()) # need to re-arrange to form X = T J T^\dagger # first check that there are equal number of positive and negative eigenvalues, only then can be reordered # to match J def is_even(v): return v % 2 == 0 def is_odd(v): return v % 2 != 0 def is_pos(v): return v > 0 def is_neg(v): return v < 0 if len(list(filter(lambda v: v > 0, eigenvals))) != len(list(filter(lambda v: v < 0, eigenvals))): raise ResultError("Need equal number of positive and negative eigenvalues.") # find positive and negative eigenvalues that are in the wrong positions in the diagonal matrix from enum import Enum class Sign(Enum): POSITIVE = 1 NEGATIVE = 2 # return list of indices for eigenvalues in the wrong position for the given sign def get_indices_of_evs_in_wrong_positions_for_sign(sign=Sign.POSITIVE): return list(map(lambda v: v[0], filter(lambda v: is_odd(v[0]) if sign == Sign.POSITIVE else is_even(v[0]), filter(lambda v: is_pos(v[1]) if sign == Sign.POSITIVE else is_neg(v[1]), enumerate(eigenvals))))) wrong_positive_indices = get_indices_of_evs_in_wrong_positions_for_sign(Sign.POSITIVE) wrong_negative_indices = get_indices_of_evs_in_wrong_positions_for_sign(Sign.NEGATIVE) indices_to_swap = zip(wrong_positive_indices, wrong_negative_indices) for wrong_pos_index, wrong_neg_index in indices_to_swap: # swap the eigenvalues eigenvals[wrong_pos_index], eigenvals[wrong_neg_index] = \ eigenvals[wrong_neg_index], eigenvals[wrong_pos_index] # swap the eigenvectors p.col_swap(wrong_pos_index, wrong_neg_index) assert (len(get_indices_of_evs_in_wrong_positions_for_sign(Sign.POSITIVE)) == 0 and len(get_indices_of_evs_in_wrong_positions_for_sign(Sign.NEGATIVE)) == 0), \ "Eigenvalues still not in order!" # factor out the square root of each eigenvalue into the eigenvectors from sympy import sqrt, radsimp scaled_evs = [] for i, ev in enumerate(eigenvals): scale = abs(ev) scaled_evs.append(radsimp(ev / scale)) p[:, i] *= sqrt(scale) if config.params['checks']: assert Matrix.diag(scaled_evs) == j, "Scaled eigenvalues matrix not recovered!" assert simplify(p * j * p.H - x, Matrix.zeros(*x.shape)), "Result not recovered as expected!" return simplify(p)
[docs] def to_physically_realisable(self) -> 'StateSpace': """ Return copy of state space transformed to a physically realisable state-space, or just return ``self`` if already physically realisable. Transforms to `paired operator form` first if needed. Raise `DimensionError` if system does not have even number of degrees of freedom. """ n = self.num_degrees_of_freedom if n % 2 != 0: raise DimensionError("num_degrees_of_freedom should be even for a quantum system") if config.params['checks']: if self.is_physically_realisable: return self # transform to paired operator form is needed ss = self.reorder_to_paired_form() a, b, c, d = ss t = ss.find_transformation_to_physically_realisable() # apply transformation a = simplify(t**-1 * a * t) b = simplify(t**-1 * b) c = simplify(c * t) d = simplify(d) ss = StateSpace(a, b, c, d, paired_operator_form=True) if config.params['checks']: assert ss.is_physically_realisable, "Result was not physically realisable!" return ss
@property def is_physically_realisable(self) -> bool: r""" Test physical realisability conditions using the `paired operator form` of the state-space. .. math:: AJ + JA^\dagger + BJB^\dagger &= 0, \\ JC^\dagger + BJD^\dagger &= 0. """ from sympy import Matrix # reorder to paired operator form only if needed ss = self if self.paired_operator_form else self.reorder_to_paired_form() j = j_matrix(ss.num_degrees_of_freedom) j_i = j_matrix(ss.num_inputs) realisability1 = ss.a * j + j * ss.a.H + ss.b * j_i * ss.b.H realisability2 = j * ss.c.H + ss.b * j_i * ss.d.H cond1 = simplify(realisability1, Matrix.zeros(*realisability1.shape)) cond2 = simplify(realisability2, Matrix.zeros(*realisability2.shape)) return cond1 and cond2
[docs] def raise_error_if_not_possible_to_realise(self) -> None: r""" Raises `StateSpaceError` if system cannot be physically realised according to the conditions given in `is_transfer_matrix_physically_realisable`. *Note* this does not imply that the system matrices :math:`(A, B, C, D)` are physically realisable, just that they can be transformed to a physically realisable form. """ from sympy import Symbol, Matrix g = self.to_transfer_function() j = j_matrix(g.shape[0]) s = Symbol('s') if not config.params['wolframscript']: from sympy import conjugate cond1 = simplify(g.subs(s, conjugate(s)).H * j * g.subs(s, -s) - j) import sympy.printing.mathematica as m print(m.mathematica_code(cond1[0, 0])) if cond1 != Matrix.zeros(*j.shape): raise StateSpaceError(f"Not possible to realise: {cond1} != 0") j = j_matrix(self.d.shape[1]) cond2 = simplify(self.d * j * self.d.H - j) if cond2 != Matrix.zeros(*j.shape): raise StateSpaceError(f"Not possible to realise: {cond2} != 0") else: # HACK: We have to handle wolframscript a bit specially from sympy import conjugate cond1 = simplify(g.subs(s, conjugate(s)).H * j * g.subs(s, -s) - j, Matrix.zeros(*j.shape)) == b'True\n' if not cond1: raise StateSpaceError(f"Not possible to realise") j = j_matrix(self.d.shape[1]) cond2 = simplify(self.d * j * self.d.H - j, Matrix.zeros(*j.shape)) == b'True\n' if not cond2: raise StateSpaceError(f"Not possible to realise")
[docs] def to_skr(self) -> 'SKR': """ Convert state space to SLH form as discussed in [synthesis]_, specifically returning the matrices :math:`(S, K, R)`. Assume physically realisable but won't error if it's not. """ from sympy import I, Rational, BlockMatrix, Matrix j = j_matrix(self.num_degrees_of_freedom) ss = self.reorder_to_paired_form() # permutation matrix from (a_1, a_1^d; ...; a_n, a_n^d) -> (a_1, ..., a_n; a_1^d, ..., a_n^d) permutation_matrix = construct_permutation_matrix(ss.num_inputs) ** -1 identity_block = Matrix(BlockMatrix([Matrix.eye(ss.num_inputs // 2), Matrix.zeros(ss.num_inputs // 2)])) # TODO: d should be different here, see my paper return SKR(ss.d, identity_block * permutation_matrix * ss.c, I * Rational(1, 4) * (j * ss.a - ss.a.H * j))
[docs] def to_slh(self, symbol='a') -> 'SLH': """Create `StateSpace.to_skr` returning a `SLH` object using given symbol name ``symbol``, defaulting to 'a'.""" s, k, r = self.to_skr() x0 = make_complex_ladder_state(r.shape[0] // 2, symbol) return SLH(s, k, r, x0)
@property def num_degrees_of_freedom(self) -> int: """Returns num degrees of freedom if classical, or 2 * num degrees of freedom if quantum.""" return self.a.shape[0] @property def num_inputs(self) -> int: """Returns num inputs if classical, or 2 * num inputs if quantum.""" return self.b.shape[1] @property def num_outputs(self) -> int: """Returns num outputs if classical, or 2 * num outputs if quantum.""" return self.c.shape[0]
[docs] def pprint(self) -> None: """Pretty print the system matrices for debug or interactive programming purposes.""" print(self)
def _repr_latex_(self) -> str: """Display `StateSpace` in Jupyter notebook as LaTeX.""" from sympy.printing.latex import latex lb = r"\\" if self.num_degrees_of_freedom > 4 else r",\," # only break lines if matrices are large return f"$$\\displaystyle A={latex(self.a)}{lb}B={latex(self.b)}{lb}C={latex(self.c)}{lb}D={latex(self.d)}$$"
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> iter: """Returns iterator holding tuple with the four system matrices. Use for unpacking.""" return iter((self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Equality for state spaces means that all the ABCD matrices are equal and both are or aren't quantum.""" return self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b and self.c == other.c and self.d == other.d
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Prettify the equation.""" from sympy.printing.pretty import pretty return f"{pretty(self.a)}\n{pretty(self.b)}\n{pretty(self.c)}\n{pretty(self.d)}\n"
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{repr(self.a)}\n{repr(self.b)}\n{repr(self.c)}\n{repr(self.d)}\n" def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(tuple(self))
[docs]def j_matrix(num_dof: int) -> sympy.Matrix: r""" Return quantum :math:`J` matrix for a `paired operator form` `StateSpace` with given ``num_dof``, .. math:: J = \text{diag}(1, -1;\dots;1, -1) \in \mathbb{R}^{2n\times 2n}. Raises ``ValueError`` if num_dof is not even. """ if num_dof % 2 != 0: raise DimensionError("num_dof should be even for a quantum system") return sympy.Matrix.diag([1, -1] * (num_dof // 2))
[docs]def transfer_function_to_coeffs(expr: sympy.Expr, flip_s=True) -> 'Coefficients': """ Extract transfer function coefficients from the given expression which is a function of frequency :math:`s` and a ratio of two polynomials. Returns a namedtuple containing two lists of length n and n-1 for the numerator and denominator respectively in *order of ascending powers*, where n is the order of expr in :math:`s`. The numerator list will be padded if the denominator is higher order than the numerator. A ``NotImplementedError`` will be raised if the denominator is lower order than the numerator. The coefficients are normalised such that the coefficient of the highest order term in the denominator is one. :param expr: ratio of two polynomials in :math:`s` :param flip_s: if True, set s to -s, that is use the Laplace convention defined in [#laplace]_ :return: `Coefficients` instance """ from sympy import Symbol, fraction s = Symbol('s') if flip_s: expr = expr.subs(s, -s) # transform to our Laplace convention numers_and_denoms = tuple(map(lambda e: list(reversed(e.as_poly(s).all_coeffs())), fraction(expr))) numer_coeffs, denom_coeffs = numers_and_denoms if len(numer_coeffs) > len(denom_coeffs): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: currently denominator can't be lower order than numerator") # normalize w.r.t. highest order coeff in denominator highest_order_denom = denom_coeffs[-1] numer_coeffs, denom_coeffs = map(lambda coeffs: [n / highest_order_denom for n in coeffs], numers_and_denoms) # pad numer_coeffs with zeros at end until length of denom_coeffs numer_coeffs.extend([0] * (len(denom_coeffs) - len(numer_coeffs))) assert denom_coeffs[-1] == 1, "sanity check on normalisation failed" denom_coeffs = denom_coeffs[:-1] # drop last element of denoms assert len(denom_coeffs) == len(numer_coeffs) - 1, "sanity check on lengths failed" return Coefficients(numer=numer_coeffs, denom=denom_coeffs)
[docs]class Coefficients(NamedTuple): """Represents the transfer function coefficients as returned by `transfer_function_to_coeffs`""" numer: List denom: List
"""SLH formalism"""
[docs]def concat(a: 'SLH', b: 'SLH') -> 'SLH': r""" Concatenate two `SLH` systems using the concatenation product. [synthesis]_ Let :math:`G_1 = (S_1, K_1 x_{1,0}, \frac{1}{2} x_{1,0}^\dag R_2 x_{1,0}`) and :math:`G_2 = (S_2, K_2 x_{2,0}, \frac{1}{2} x_{2,0}^\dag R_2 x_{2,0})`, where :math:`x_{k,0} \equiv x_k(t=0)`. Then the concatenation product is defined as, .. math:: G_1 \boxplus G_2 = \left(S_{1\boxplus2}, (K_1x_{1,0},K_2x_{2,0})^T, \frac{1}{2} x_{1,0}^\dag R_2 x_{1,0}+\frac{1}{2} x_{2,0}^\dag R_2 x_{2,0}\right), where, .. math:: S_{1\boxplus2} = \begin{bmatrix}S_1 & 0 \\ 0 & S_2\end{bmatrix}. *For simplicity we assume the system's share no degrees of freedom*, i.e. :math:`x_{1,0} \neq x_{2,0}`. :param a: `SLH` object representing generalised open oscillator :math:`G_1` :param b: `SLH` object representing generalised open oscillator :math:`G_2` :return: `SLH` object representing concatenation of both """ from sympy import Matrix s = Matrix.diag(a.s, b.s) k = Matrix.diag(a.k, b.k) r = Matrix.diag(a.r, b.r) x0 = Matrix([a.x0, b.x0]) return SLH(s, k, r, x0)
[docs]def series(g_to, g_from): r""" *Not yet implemented* Series product representing the feeding of the output of ``g_from`` into the input of ``g_to``. The arguments are in this order to match the notation below. The generalised open oscillators :math:`G_1` and :math:`G_2` are as defined in `concat`. The series product is then defined as, .. math:: G_2 \triangleleft G_1 = \bigg(&S_2S_1, K_2x_{2,0} + S_2 K_1x_{1,0}, \\ &\frac{1}{2} x_{1,0}^\dag R_1 x_{1,0} + \frac{1}{2} x_{2,0}^\dag R_2 x_{2,0} + \frac{1}{2i} x_{2,0}^\dag (K_2^\dag S_2 K_1 - K_2^T S_2^* K_1^*) x_{1,0}\bigg). :param g_from: `SLH` object representing generalised open oscillator :math:`G_1` :param g_to: `SLH` object representing generalised open oscillator :math:`G_2` :return: `SLH` object representing concatenation of both """ raise NotImplementedError("series(g_to, g_from) is not yet implemented.")
[docs]class SKR(NamedTuple): """Represents SKR matrices as returned by `StateSpace.to_skr`""" s: sympy.Matrix k: sympy.Matrix r: sympy.Matrix
[docs]class SLH: """ Represents a generalised open oscillator in the SLH formalism. [synthesis]_ Attributes: (all stored as sympy ``ImmutableMatrix`` objects) - ``s``: scattering matrix - ``k``: linear coupling matrix - ``r``: internal system Hamiltonian matrix - ``x0``: vector of system state Symbols """ def __init__(self, s, k, r, x0=None): """Construct generalised open oscillator :math:`G = (S, L, H)`.""" from sympy import ImmutableMatrix self.s = ImmutableMatrix(s) self.k = ImmutableMatrix(k) self.r = ImmutableMatrix(r) if x0 is None: x0 = make_complex_ladder_state(r.shape[0] // 2, 'a') self.x0 = ImmutableMatrix(x0) def _repr_latex_(self) -> str: """Display `SLH` in Jupyter notebook as LaTeX.""" from sympy.printing.latex import latex # check if S is identity, if so display identity matrix instead n = self.s.shape[0] if self.s == sympy.Matrix.eye(n): s_latex_string = r"I_{%d\times%d}" % (n, n) else: s_latex_string = latex(self.s) x0d = latex(self.x0.H) x0 = latex(self.x0) return r"$$\displaystyle \left(%s, %s %s, %s %s %s\right)$$"\ % (s_latex_string, latex(self.k), x0, x0d, latex(self.r), x0) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"(S = {repr(self.s)}, K = {repr(self.k)}, R = {repr(self.r)})"
[docs] def split(self) -> 'SplitNetwork': """Returns `split_system(self)`.""" return split_system(self)
@property def interaction_hamiltonian(self): """ Returns the interaction Hamiltonian for the system via `interaction_hamiltonian_from_linear_coupling_operator(self.k * self.x0)` """ return interaction_hamiltonian_from_linear_coupling_operator(self.k * self.x0)
def interaction_hamiltonian_from_k_matrix(k_matrix: sympy.Matrix) -> sympy.Expr: return interaction_hamiltonian_from_linear_coupling_operator(linear_coupling_operator_from_k_matrix(k_matrix))
[docs]def interaction_hamiltonian_from_linear_coupling_operator(l_operator: sympy.Matrix) -> sympy.Expr: r""" Calculate the idealised interaction hamiltonian for the given linear coupling operator. .. math:: H_\text{int} = i[L^\dagger\ -L^\dagger] u, where :math:`u = (u_1, u_1^\dagger; \dots; u_m, u_m^\dagger)^T` and :math:`L \in \mathbb{L}^{m\times1}` Raises `DimensionError` if not ``l_operator`` not a column vector. """ if l_operator.shape[1] != 1: raise DimensionError(f"L is not a column vector: {l_operator.shape}") from sympy import I, simplify, BlockMatrix states = make_complex_ladder_state(l_operator.shape[1], "u") h_int = I * sympy.Matrix(BlockMatrix([[l_operator.H, -l_operator.T]])) * states if h_int.shape != (1, 1): raise DimensionError(f"Expected interaction Hamiltonian to be scalar, instead: {h_int.shape}") return simplify(h_int[0, 0])
[docs]def linear_coupling_operator_from_k_matrix(k_matrix: sympy.Matrix, symbol: str = 'a') -> sympy.Matrix: r""" Calculate symbolic linear coupling operator from K matrix assuming `paired operator form`. .. math:: L = K x_0, where :math:`x_0 = (a_1, a_1^\dagger; \dots; a_n, a_n^\dagger)^T`. ``symbol`` is the symbol name to use for the state variables. Raises `DimensionError` if not an even number of dimensions. """ if k_matrix.shape[0] % 2 != 0 or k_matrix.shape[1] % 2 != 0: raise DimensionError(f"k_matrix does not have even dimensions: {k_matrix.shape}") states = make_complex_ladder_state(k_matrix.shape[1] // 2, symbol) return k_matrix * states
[docs]def hamiltonian_from_r_matrix(r_matrix: sympy.Matrix, symbol: str = 'a') -> sympy.Expr: r""" Calculate symbolic internal Hamiltonian from R matrix assuming `paired operator form`. .. math:: H = x_0^\dagger R x_0, where :math:`x_0 = (a_1, a_1^\dagger; \dots; a_n, a_n^\dagger)` and :math:`R \in \mathbb{R}^{2n\times2n}`. ``symbol`` is the symbol name to use for the state variables. Raises `DimensionError` if not an even number of dimensions or if not square. """ if not r_matrix.is_square: raise DimensionError(f"R is not square: {r_matrix.shape}") if r_matrix.shape[0] % 2 != 0: raise DimensionError(f"R does not have even number of rows/columns: {r_matrix.shape}") states = make_complex_ladder_state(r_matrix.shape[0] // 2, symbol) hamiltonian = states.H * r_matrix * states if hamiltonian.shape != (1, 1): raise DimensionError(f"Expected Hamiltonian to be a scalar, instead: {hamiltonian.shape}") return hamiltonian[0, 0]
[docs]def make_complex_ladder_state(num_dofs: int, symbol: str = 'a') -> sympy.Matrix: r""" Return matrix of complex ladder operators with ``2 * num_dofs`` elements. Use ``symbol`` keyword arg to set alternative symbol for variables instead of using ``a`` For example, for ``num_dofs == 2``, result is :math:`(a_1, a_1^\dagger; a_2, a_2^\dagger)^T`. If ``num_dofs == 1`` then just returns :math:`(a, a^\dagger)^T` """ from sympy import Symbol, Matrix states = [] if num_dofs == 1: s = Symbol(symbol, commutative=False) states.append(s) states.append(s.conjugate()) else: for i in range(num_dofs): s = Symbol(f"{symbol}_{i + 1}", commutative=False) states.append(s) states.append(s.conjugate()) return Matrix(states)
"""Network Synthesis"""
[docs]class States: """Represents a collection of state variables that can be queried to extract different variables.""" def __init__(self, states: sympy.Matrix): self.states = states
[docs] def get_symbol(self, name: str) -> Optional[sympy.Symbol]: r""" Get symbol from self.states with given name. To get a conjugated variable, e.g. :math:`a_1^\dagger`, use ``conjugate(a_1)``. To get a primed variable write ``a'_1`` rather than ``a_1'``. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("name must be a string") for symbol in self.states: if str(symbol) == name: return symbol return None
[docs] def get_symbols(self, names: List[str]) -> List[sympy.Symbol]: """Same as `get_symbol` but takes and returns a list.""" return list(map(self.get_symbol, names))
[docs] def index_of(self, symbol: sympy.Symbol) -> Optional[int]: """Return index of symbol in ``self.states``, or ``None`` if not found.""" return list(self.states).index(symbol)
def _repr_latex_(self) -> str: """Display `StateSpace` in Jupyter notebook as LaTeX.""" from sympy.printing.latex import latex return f"$$\\displaystyle {latex(self.states)}$$"
[docs]class SplitNetwork: """ Represents a tuple of ([G_1, ..., G_n], H^d), as returned by `split_system`. Each :math:`G_i` is assumed to be series fed into :math:`G_{i+1}`, however if :math:`L = 0` for :math:`G_i` it can be considered as not being series connected as the external field will only couple to the auxiliary degree of freedom which is adiabatically eliminated. """ def __init__(self, gs: List[SLH], h_d: sympy.Matrix): = gs self.h_d = h_d def __getitem__(self, item): if item == 0: return elif item == 1: return self.h_d else: raise IndexError("Out of range (index must be 0 or 1)")
[docs] def __iter__(self): return iter((, self.h_d))
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(tuple(self))
@property def states(self) -> sympy.Matrix: """Return the state symbols for the main and auxiliary mode for the entire network.""" states = make_complex_ladder_state(len(, 'a') aux_states = make_complex_ladder_state(len(, 'a\'') return sympy.Matrix(sympy.BlockMatrix([[states], [aux_states]])) @property def input_output_symbols(self) -> sympy.Matrix: """Return the symbols for the input and output fields.""" # special case for one degree of freedom if len( == 1: ain, aind = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'ain') aout, aoutd = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'aout') return sympy.Matrix([ain, aind, aout, aoutd]) else: symbols = [] for i in range(len( ain, aind = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'ain_{i + 1}') aout, aoutd = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'aout_{i + 1}') symbols.extend([ain, aind, aout, aoutd]) return sympy.Matrix(symbols)
[docs] class InteractionHamiltonian: r""" Represents the interaction Hamiltonian as a Matrix in order .. math:: (a_1, a_1^\dagger, \dots, a_n, a_n^\dagger; a_1', a_1'^\dagger,\dots, a_n', a_n'^\dagger), where :math:`a_i` is the annihilation operator for the main cavity mode of the i-th system and :math:`a_i'` is for the corresponding auxiliary mode. """ def __init__(self, h: sympy.Matrix): self.h = h @property def expr(self) -> sympy.Expr: x = self.states return (x.H * self.h * x)[0, 0] @property def states(self) -> sympy.Matrix: """Return the state symbols for the main and auxiliary modes for the network.""" states = make_complex_ladder_state(self.h.rows // 4, 'a') aux_states = make_complex_ladder_state(self.h.rows // 4, 'a\'') return sympy.Matrix(sympy.BlockMatrix([[states], [aux_states]])) @property def dynamical_matrix(self) -> sympy.Matrix: """Compute dynamical matrix as shown in ``notes/eqns-of-motion-from-hamiltonian-matrix.pdf``.""" from sympy import Matrix, I n = self.h.rows // 2 j_1 = Matrix([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) j_mat = Matrix(sympy.BlockDiagMatrix(*([j_1] * n))) k_mat = Matrix.diag([-1, 1] * n) # row swapping matrix theta_1 = Matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) theta_mat = Matrix(sympy.BlockDiagMatrix(*([theta_1] * n))) a_mat = I * (j_mat.T * self.h.T * theta_mat + k_mat * self.h) if a_mat.shape != (2*n, 2*n): raise DimensionError(f"Expected a_mat to have shape {(2*n, 2*n)}, instead had {a_mat.shape}") return a_mat @property def equations_of_motion(self) -> sympy.Matrix: r""" Compute the Heisenberg equations of motion of the interacting terms (not including the Langevin equations) , using the Bosonic commutation relations .. math:: [a_i, a_j] = 0, \quad [a_i, a_j^\dagger] = \delta_{i, j}, and .. math:: [a_i', a_j'] = 0, \quad [a_i', a_j'^\dagger] = \delta_{i, j} Returns eqns in order :math:`(a_1, a_1^\dagger, \dots, a_n, a_n^\dagger; a_1', a_1'^\dagger,\dots, a_n', a_n'^\dagger)`. :returns column vector of equations of motion """ x = self.states x_dot = self.dynamical_matrix * x if x_dot.shape != (x.rows, 1): raise DimensionError(f"Expected x_dot to have shape ({x.rows}, 1), instead had {x_dot.shape}") return x_dot
@property def interaction_hamiltonian(self) -> InteractionHamiltonian: """ Compute the interaction Hamiltonian between internal degrees of freedom in the network, not including the external continuum fields. """ from sympy import BlockDiagMatrix, sqrt, conjugate, Matrix, Symbol, I h_int = Matrix(BlockDiagMatrix(self.h_d, Matrix.zeros(*self.h_d.shape))) offset = self.h_d.rows # special case for one internal degree of freedom if len( == 1: gamma = Symbol(f'gamma', positive=True, real=True) alpha, beta =[0].k epsilon_1 = beta * sqrt(2 * gamma) epsilon_2 = -conjugate(alpha * sqrt(2 * gamma)) h_int[1, offset] = -I / 2 * conjugate(epsilon_1) h_int[0, offset + 1] = I / 2 * epsilon_1 h_int[1, offset + 1] = -I / 2 * conjugate(epsilon_2) h_int[0, offset] = I / 2 * epsilon_2 else: for i, g in enumerate( gamma_i = Symbol(f'gamma_{i + 1}', positive=True, real=True) alpha, beta = g.k epsilon_1 = beta * sqrt(2 * gamma_i) epsilon_2 = -conjugate(alpha * sqrt(2 * gamma_i)) # a <-> a' h_int[i * 2 + 1, offset + i * 2] = -I / 2 * conjugate(epsilon_1) # a^\dag <-> a'^\dag h_int[i * 2, offset + i * 2 + 1] = I / 2 * epsilon_1 # a <-> a'^\dag h_int[i * 2 + 1, offset + i * 2 + 1] = -I / 2 * conjugate(epsilon_2) # a^\dag <-> a' h_int[i * 2, offset + i * 2] = I / 2 * epsilon_2 return SplitNetwork.InteractionHamiltonian(h_int) @property def input_output_eqns(self) -> sympy.Matrix: """Calculate the input-output equations for the auxiliary fields as column vector.""" from sympy import Matrix, Symbol eqns = [] # special case for one internal degree of freedom if len( == 1: ap, apd = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'a\'') ain, aind = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'ain') aout, aoutd = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'aout') gamma = Symbol(f'gamma', positive=True, real=True) eqns.append(-aout + ain - sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma) * ap) eqns.append(-aoutd + aind - sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma) * apd) else: for i, g in enumerate( ap, apd = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'a\'_{i + 1}') ain, aind = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'ain_{i + 1}') aout, aoutd = make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'aout_{i + 1}') gamma_i = Symbol(f'gamma_{i + 1}', positive=True, real=True) # check if gamma_i should be zero (i.e. if there is no coupling) if g.k == Matrix.zeros(1, 2): gamma_i = 0 eqns.append(-aout + ain - sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma_i) * ap) eqns.append(-aoutd + aind - sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma_i) * apd) return Matrix(eqns) @property def state_vector(self) -> sympy.Matrix: r""" Returns column vector of states as follows: .. math:: (a_1, a_1^\dagger, \dots, a_n, a_n^\dagger; a_1', a_1'^\dagger,\dots, a_n', a_n'^\dagger; a_\text{in 1}, a_\text{in 1}^\dagger, a_\text{in m},a_\text{in m}^\dagger; a_\text{out 1}, a_\text{out 1}^\dagger, a_\text{out m}, a_\text{out m}^\dagger)^T for system with ``n`` internal degrees of freedom and ``m`` inputs and outputs. """ return sympy.Matrix(sympy.BlockMatrix([[self.states], [self.input_output_symbols]]))
[docs] class DynamicalMatrix: """ Represents the dynamical matrix as returned by `SplitNetwork.dynamical_matrix`. Used to calculate the transfer functions between any two quantities in the system. """ def __init__(self, matrix: sympy.Matrix, states: Union[sympy.Matrix, States]): self.matrix = matrix self.states = states if isinstance(states, States) else States(states)
[docs] class TransferMatrix: """ Represents the results of `DynamicalMatrix.transfer_matrix`. Used to extract the transfer functions. """ def __init__(self, matrix: sympy.Matrix, states: Union[sympy.Matrix, States]): self.matrix = matrix self.states = states if isinstance(states, States) else States(states) @staticmethod def _get_symbol_index(states: States, variable: Union[sympy.Symbol, str]) -> int: """ If ``variable`` is a string, try to get it from ``states``. Then try to get the index of it within ``states``. """ if isinstance(variable, str): variable = states.get_symbol(variable) if variable is None: raise IndexError("String not found in self.states") index = states.index_of(variable) if index is None: raise IndexError("Symbol not found in self.states") return index
[docs] def closed_loop(self, excitation: Union[sympy.Symbol, str], variable: Union[sympy.Symbol, str])\ -> sympy.Expr: """ Get the closed loop transfer function from the excitation to the variable. The variables can be given as strings (which are passed to `States.get_symbol`) or as sympy Symbols. E.g. ``closed_loop("ain", "aout")`` is the closed-loop transfer function from ``ain`` to ``aout``. """ missing_symbols = [] excitation_index = None variable_index = None try: excitation_index = self._get_symbol_index(self.states, excitation) except IndexError: missing_symbols.append(excitation) try: variable_index = self._get_symbol_index(self.states, variable) except IndexError: missing_symbols.append(variable) if len(missing_symbols) > 0: raise IndexError("Symbols " + str(", ".join(missing_symbols)) + " missing from self.states") return self.matrix[variable_index, excitation_index]
[docs] def closed_loop_gain(self, excitation: Union[sympy.Symbol, str]): r""" Calculate the closed loop gain from the excitation to the corresponding variable. I.e. if excitation is :math:`\hat{a}_\text{exc}` then returns the transfer function from :math:`\hat{a}_\text{exc}` to :math:`\hat{a}`. """ try: excitation_index = self._get_symbol_index(self.states, excitation) except IndexError: raise IndexError("Symbol missing from self.states") return self.matrix[excitation_index, excitation_index]
[docs] def open_loop(self, excitation: Union[sympy.Symbol, str], variable: Union[sympy.Symbol, str])\ -> sympy.Expr: """ Calculate the open loop transfer function from the excitation to the variable (the closed loop transfer function divided by the closed loop gain). """ return self.closed_loop(excitation, variable) / self.closed_loop_gain(excitation)
@property def transfer_matrix(self) -> TransferMatrix: """Calculate the transfer matrix for the system by adding an excitation to each mode.""" excitation_matrix = sympy.eye(*self.matrix.shape) return self.TransferMatrix((excitation_matrix - self.matrix) ** -1, self.states) @property def eqns(self) -> sympy.Matrix: """Calculate matrix of RHS of frequency-domain equations :math:`v = Mv`.""" return self.matrix * self.states.states
@property def dynamical_matrix(self) -> DynamicalMatrix: r""" Calculate the full frequency-domain dynamical matrix :math:`M` for the system, include input and output equations, such that :math:`v = M v` where :math:`v` is the full frequency-domain state vector in the order returned by `state_vector`. TODO: use a sparse matrix """ from sympy import BlockMatrix, Matrix, Symbol, I s = Symbol('s') # A matrix part (internal modes -> internal modes) a_mat = self.interaction_hamiltonian.dynamical_matrix / (-s) # Add detuning and internal squeezing terms for i, g in enumerate( a_mat[2*i, 2*i] = I * 2 * g.r[0, 0] / (-s) a_mat[2*i+1, 2*i+1] = -I * 2 * g.r[1, 1] / (-s) # TODO: check these a_mat[2*i+1, 2*i] = I * 2 * g.r[0, 1] / (-s) a_mat[2*i, 2*i+1] = -I * 2 * g.r[1, 0] / (-s) # Add B matrix part (inputs -> internal modes) and dissipation terms to a_mat n = len( b_mat = Matrix.zeros(n*4, n*4) # special case for one internal degree of freedom if n == 1: gamma = Symbol(f'gamma', positive=True, real=True) a_mat[2, 2] = -gamma / (-s) a_mat[3, 3] = -gamma / (-s) b_mat[2, 0] = sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma) / (-s) b_mat[3, 1] = sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma) / (-s) else: for i, g in enumerate( gamma_i = Symbol(f'gamma_{i + 1}', positive=True, real=True) # check if gamma_i should be zero (i.e. if there is no coupling) if g.k == Matrix.zeros(1, 2): gamma_i = 0 aux_mode_index = n * 2 + 2 * i # row index of aux mode within a_mat # a' -> a' a_mat[aux_mode_index, aux_mode_index] = -gamma_i / (-s) a_mat[aux_mode_index+1, aux_mode_index+1] = -gamma_i / (-s) # ain -> a' b_mat[aux_mode_index, i] = sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma_i) / (-s) b_mat[aux_mode_index+1, i+1] = sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma_i) / (-s) # Add C matrix part (internal modes -> outputs) c_mat = Matrix.zeros(n*4, n*4) if n == 1: gamma = Symbol(f'gamma', positive=True, real=True) c_mat[2, 2] = -sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma) c_mat[3, 3] = -sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma) else: for i, g in enumerate( gamma_i = Symbol(f'gamma_{i + 1}', positive=True, real=True) # check if gamma_i should be zero (i.e. if there is no coupling) if g.k == Matrix.zeros(1, 2): gamma_i = 0 aux_mode_index = n * 2 + 2 * i # column index of aux mode within c_mat output_mode_index = aux_mode_index # row index of output mode within c_mat c_mat[output_mode_index, aux_mode_index] = -sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma_i) c_mat[output_mode_index+1, aux_mode_index+1] = -sympy.sqrt(2 * gamma_i) # Add D matrix part (direct feed equations) d_mat = Matrix.zeros(n*4, n*4) if n == 1: d_mat[2, 0] = 1 d_mat[3, 1] = 1 else: for i, g in enumerate( output_mode_index = n * 2 + 2 * i # row index of output modes input_mode_index = i # column index of inputs modes d_mat[output_mode_index, input_mode_index] = 1 d_mat[output_mode_index+1, input_mode_index+1] = 1 # add the series feed terms to the d matrix for i in range(n - 1): output_mode_index = n * 2 + 2 * i # row index of output modes input_mode_index = i # column index of inputs modes d_mat[input_mode_index + 2, output_mode_index] = 1 d_mat[input_mode_index + 2 + 1, output_mode_index + 1] = 1 m = Matrix(BlockMatrix([[a_mat, b_mat], [c_mat, d_mat]])) return SplitNetwork.DynamicalMatrix(m, self.state_vector) @property def transfer_matrix(self) -> DynamicalMatrix.TransferMatrix: """Shortcut for `self.dynamical_matrix.transfer_matrix`""" return self.dynamical_matrix.transfer_matrix @property def tfm(self) -> DynamicalMatrix.TransferMatrix: """Shortcut for `self.dynamical_matrix.transfer_matrix`""" return self.dynamical_matrix.transfer_matrix @property def aux_coupling_constants(self) -> List[sympy.Symbol]: """ Return a list of the Sympy symbols use for the coupling constants for the auxiliary modes. Examples: >>> from sympy import symbols >>> s = symbols('s') >>> gamma_f, omega_s = symbols('gamma_f omega_s', real=True, positive=True) >>> network = tf2network((s**2 + s * gamma_f + omega_s**2) / (s**2 - s * gamma_f + omega_s**2)) >>> gamma_1, gamma_2 = network.aux_coupling_constants """ if len( == 1: return [sympy.Symbol('gamma', positive=True, real=True)] else: return list(map(lambda i: sympy.Symbol(f'gamma_{i + 1}', positive=True, real=True), range(len(
[docs]def split_system(open_osc: SLH) -> SplitNetwork: """ Split n degree of freedom open oscillator into n one degree of freedom open oscillators and a direct interaction Hamiltonian matrix. :param open_osc: the n degree of freedom open oscillator to split :return: a `SplitNetwork` which represents a tuple of ([G_1, ..., G_n], H^d) """ from sympy import Matrix, I dof = open_osc.r.shape[0] // 2 if dof == 1: # already separated return SplitNetwork([open_osc], Matrix.zeros(2, 2)) # get the list of 2x2 diagonal block matrices of R r_blocks = list(map(lambda i: open_osc.r[i:(i+2), i:(i+2)], range(0, 2 * dof, 2))) # get the list of mx2 k matrices k_blocks = list(map(lambda i: open_osc.k[0:2, i:(i+2)], range(0, 2 * dof, 2))) # constructs one open oscillator def construct_slh(index, k_r): k, r = k_r return SLH(Matrix.eye(2, 2), k, r, make_complex_ladder_state(1, f'a_{index + 1}')) # construct the open oscillators gs = list(map(lambda v: construct_slh(*v), enumerate(zip(k_blocks, r_blocks)))) # TODO: for now we assume no scattering for simplicity h_d = Matrix.zeros(dof * 2, dof * 2) # construct Hamiltonian interaction matrix for j in range(0, dof - 1): for k in range(j + 1, dof): h_d[(j*2):((j+1)*2), (k*2):((k+1)*2)] = 2 * (open_osc.r[(k*2):((k+1)*2), (j*2):((j+1)*2)].H - 1 / (2 * I) * (k_blocks[k].H * k_blocks[j] - k_blocks[k].T * k_blocks[j].C)) return SplitNetwork(gs, h_d)